Events, News, Announcements, Prayer Emphasis

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FCC News Room

Hurry, Hurry, Read All About It!

This is the FCC News, Events, Announcements, Up-Coming-Events, the Messenger...basically,  'All Things FCC News' reading room. If you want to stay in the FCC Loop, don't forget to subscribe! 

Read the Latest Posts Here!

Stay in the Loop and keep up-to-date with all upcoming events...

Pray With the Pastor

Jesus said, "My House shall be called a house of prayer." Once a month we Meet with Pastor Joe for a time of worship and prayer...

Monthly Prayer Emphasis

What is this month's Prayer Emphasis? Stay in the Loop and continue, with one mind, in the prayers & petitions we lift up each month before God.

JOLT Classes

Stay in the Loop and don't miss the next Jolt Class. Subscribe to know what classes are coming AND to find materials from other JOLT Classes.

My Morning Lance

The Morning Lance is an amazing Scripture filled prayer of declaration over our day, and thanks to God for the promises He proclaims over us.

The Messenger

These short, powerful, challenging and edifying words from Pastor Joe, are great as personal devotionals or for group study.

Weekly & Monthly Reading Schedule

Stay in the Loop & get weekly or monthly reading plan reminders right on your phone.

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