VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 2 | 1.23.2025

A Shot Literary Caffeine: Words on Worship

“Sing to the LORD a new song; Sing to the LORD, all the earth. Sing to the LORD, bless His Name; Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day.”  – Psalm 96:1-2

last week I shared how it is my hope to encourage you, or possibly challenge you to be purposeful about choosing to fill your mouth with Praise and Declaration of God’s splendor throughout each day; This week, I want to continue to encourage and challenge you: Praise Him! Thank Him! Speak out loud…tell Him why you are thankful. Tell Him why you are grateful. 

Why are you? I’m asking you, now…why are you grateful? Why are you thankful? In this Psalm, King David said “Proclaim good tidings of His Salvation from day to day.” Good tidings means good news. Proclaim the good news of His salvation day by day. What’s the good news of Him saving you? For me: I did not know love before Jesus showed it to me. I did not know what the affectionate touch of a parent was until Jesus embraced me. I remember what it felt like to believe I was not worth anyone ever loving. I remember what it felt like as a child to lay in bed at night feeling absolute hopelessness and loneliness.  BUT GOD… When you find yourself in a place where it seems hard to praise and thank Him, remind yourself of why the Good News of your salvation is so good. You once were lost, but now you’re found. You once was blind, but now you see. Take a moment…even now…and tell Jesus why you are thankful. Tell Him, why you are so grateful that He invaded your reality gave you a hope, a home, a family, a life, real love...and if you do this, I know that you will discover the new song, that special, intimate song that you have been singing to Jesus – the Lover of your soul – from that moment of your salvation. We are so blessed dear fam.  God bless you this week! 

January Sunday Leads

  • 1/26: FORTH SUNDAY
    • 1st Service: Worship Leads
      • Song Leader: Paul
      • Sound: Sam
      • Slides: Heath
      • Streaming: Eric
    • 2nd Service: Worship Leads
      • Song Leader: Brad
      • Sound: Chris
      • Slides: Izzy
      • Streaming: Tim
  • 31st: FINAL FRIDAY: N.O.W.
    • Sound: Matthew
    • Slides: Greg Alexander

February Outlook

  • Pastor Sam Out of Town 3rd – 11th:  I will be in California the 2nd Sunday at my son’s wedding.
    • Brad is leading worship.
    • Jeff will download slides for sermon, announcements and worship.
  • Morgan Taking Baby Break: As Morgan prepares for the arrival of the newest addition to the Salazar family, the 1st Sunday of February will be the last Sunday worship that she leads until further notice.
    • Pastor Sam will lead 1st Sunday worship. We will keep the same teams and practice times.
    • Sam Leads 1st, 2nd, 5th
    • Alicia leads 3rd
    • Brad leads 4th
      • All current practice times remain the same


 The Worship Forum: March 1st @ 10am in the Friendship Room. The men’s breakfast will be at 8am and I’ll be sharing on The Act of Worship. Everyone from the worship team is invited to join us for that breakfast. Then the Worship Forum will begin after breakfast.

Below is the Theme, Focus, and Direction of the 2025 FCC Worship Forum (so yes, this may become an annual event). This is what the forum is about, and will be my endeavor to continue to encourage and build upon with the entire FCC Worship team throughout the year.

  • Our Theme for 2025: Iron Sharpens Iron
  • Our Focus: Cultivating and Celebrating our Common-Union as Worshipers
  • Our Direction: Pursuing the Presence of the Lord in our personal lives and faithfulness in leadership.’

Sound And Lights: Sound Ministry and Music Ministry Together

Friday morning, Tim Carr and I will be meeting with Kent Audio. Once the new speakers are here and installed, we will need to do a total sound check. I’lldo the sound check with each of your voices during your normal worship practices. The worship practices may last a little longer than usual, because I want to get your sound dialed in, but it will be easier than trying to schedule a different practice with each group. As soon as we have the speakers installed I’ll text everyone to let you know when the sound check will happen. I want to be able to have the worship singers, musicians, and sound ministry working together.

Media Ministry Schedule: February / March

Media Ministry Schedule: Opt-Out Form

Media Ministry Schedule: February & March

Friday evening I sent out the PROPOSED Schedule  for the Media Ministry – I am currently working on February & March. Remember that the ‘Proposed schedule’ is NOT the ‘confirmed schedule’. Don’t screen shot the proposed schedule to follow because it will mostly likely NOT be correct. If you have nothing to change, wait until I send the Confirmed Schedule.

The Opt-Out Form: All Year

At the Sound Booth I have printed and posted Opt-Out forms for all of 2025. That way, when you know you are going to be gone, write it down and forget it.


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